Monday, December 12, 2011

In all seriousness....


In all seriousness, I need to know something.

Am I disrespecting what Master and I had by continuing to post here, where if always felt like this was "our" place, "our" journey together, "our" troubles and "our" fun???

And does anyone really want to hear the crapola that comes out of my mouth, bearing in mind that I am not in a D/s relationship and have no intentions of entering one with someone new.

Actually, for that matter I cant even get vanilla sex, so I have no idea what it is I would actually blog about.

I want the truth...and lots of it please.

The comments I get will determine whether or not I resume posting here, or I start a new one.

I will blog again...its where that's the issue for me.


  1. Here's a suggestion you don't have to take. :) Why not change the name of your blog and maybe even your blogger profile name, but keep your url. That way you keep all your followers and prior blog posts (no one really pays attention to the url anyway). Then change the colors, the look and feel of your blog, and write about whatever you want. Perhaps what you are looking for. I've seen several bloggers do this lately. Yes, we'll read!

  2. My 2 cents? You have made friends here along the way. People who care about you, learn from you, cry and laugh with you. Its not about a BDSM post, a 'full of crapolla' post....or whateveeer. Its about YOU. What you're about and how it helps you. His kitty's journey has been an amazing journey for you hun....and it has too, for all your followers. Its not over!!! I miss your blog and hope to see you carry it on. Thats my 2 New Zealand cents worth. Love ya always xoxoox

  3. Absolutely not. This is YOUR blog. Ever Dom I know worth his salt would tell you the same thing. Your blog, your history, your life. It documents your exploration and your growth. If you feel the need to take a break and start another blog, you can always come back to this one. But disrespecting what you had with him? Not in the slightest.

