Thursday, January 20, 2011

missing friends.........

sometimes being online sucks....

you get to make friends all over the world...

but when they need you, you are not close enough for anything other than words

and when you need them.....not close enough for a hug

and why is it...these people seem to be less judgemental about your lifestyle choices??

no one close to me in RL knows of my BDSM journey except Master....everyone else is somewhere else in the world

I love my online friends....but it SUCKS they are so far away


  1. Aaaw....close your eyes....listen to your heart (thats where we are)....a soft whisper, a tender touch....we're NEVER that far away xoxox All else have my bloody number!!!!!

  2. Hunni we always there with you no matter how far it seems to be ...... remember lol i see all in my awesomeness so quit making me blush :P xoxooxoxoxox
