Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have just realised yesterday was Valentines day.

I didnt know.

I guess when you dont have a partner....its not like it matters greatly.

Its just a day of commercial crap anyway.

I would much rather have a rose on any other day for no reason other than I was thought of.

I wonder if Master was disappointed I didnt wish Him a Happy Valentines Day??

Maybe I should have tied myself up with a red ribbon, taken a pic and sent that to Him....

I will have to surprise Him another day, for no other reason than I thought of Him...

a day where He is not expecting it

Soooooo, the point of the post is.....

Happy Valentines Day....
 a day late to all you people,
 hope it was a great one


  1. *smiles* I believe your Master will think that is a lovely surprise (unless he reads your blog in which case it won't be a surprise).

    Was it my instant message that reminded you?

    ((hugs)) from North America where it's still Valentine's Day for another hour and 45 minutes.

  2. Geez, how did you guess it may have been you that reminded me ;)

    Master WILL read it, but He will have to wait....one day he might wake to a surprise ;)

    Hope you guys had a great night and you got...ummmm, errrr, a little subspace maybe?? ;)

    better than a rose ANY DAY
